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  • 논문
  • 의료 질 향상을 위한 서비스디자인: 환자경험 증진을 위한 실행 접근법, 한국의료질향상학회지, 202312
  • 근로자재해보장책임보험과 실손의료보험이 산재 근로자의 외래 의료이용에 미치는 영향, 사회보장연구 (KOREAN SOCIAL SECURITY STUDIES), 202308
  • Current status and needs in the primary healthcare system in Yangon, Myanmar: a mixed-method evaluation, PRIMARY HEALTH CARE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, 202305
  • Challenges of COVID-19 prevention during protracted conflicts: differential adherence to preventive measures in "contact line" regions in eastern Ukraine, FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH, 202305
  • Association Between Changes in Oral Health-Related Quality of Life and Depressive Symptoms in the Korean Elderly Population, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 202303
  • Influence of COVID-19-Related Interventions on the Number of Inpatients with Acute Viral Respiratory Infections: Using Interrupted Time Series Analysis, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH (IJERPH), 202302
  • Factors influencing injury or death due to traumatic events in Afghanistan’s crisis-affected populations: a cross-sectional nationwide study, BMJ OPEN, 202212
  • Effect of COVID-19-Related Interventions on the Incidence of Infectious Eye Diseases: Analysis of Nationwide Infectious Disease Incidence Monitoring Data, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 202210
  • Factors Related to Oversleeping in Korean Young Adults, with a Focus on Sociodemographic Factors, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 202209
  • Contributing Factors in Whether Displaced Households Want to Receive Humanitarian Information from Humanitarian Actors: Iraq Multi-Cluster Needs Assessment, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 202208
  • How public and private health insurance coverage mitigates catastrophic health expenditures in Republic of Korea, BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, 202208
  • Financial burden of catastrophic health expenditure on households with chronic diseases: financial ratio analysis, BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, 202204
  • Association between smokeless tobacco use and cigarette smoking amount by age, BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 202203
  • The Impact of Weekday-to-Weekend Sleep Differences on Health Outcomes among Adolescent Students, CHILDREN(BASEL), 202201
  • 미얀마 보건의료체계 강화를 위한 정치경제 및 사회 환경분석: 코로나19 팬데믹 및 쿠데타 이후 개발협력지원 방안 모색을 중심으로, 지역발전연구, 202112
  • Factors affecting weekday-to-weekend sleep differences among Korean adolescent students: Focus on extracurricular tutoring time, PLOS ONE, 202111
  • Digital and economic determinants of healthcare in the crisis-affected population in Afghanistan: access to mobile phone and socioeconomic barriers, HEALTHCARE, 202104
  • The Correlation amongst Salty Taste Preference and Overactive Bladder Symptoms in Female Individuals, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 202101
  • Relationships between Extra-School Tutoring Time, Somatic Symptoms, and Sleep Duration of Adolescent Students: A Panel Analysis Using Data from the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 202010
  • Impacts of Smoking Ban Policies on Restaurants in Seoul, South Korea: Analysis of Objective Sales Information, NICOTINE AND TOBACCO RESEARCH, 202006
  • Demographic and Socioeconomic Influences on Sleep Patterns among Adolescent Students, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 202006
  • Association between sodium intake and lower urinary tract symptoms: does less sodium intake have a favorable effect or not?, TRANSLATIONAL ANDROLOGY AND UROLOGY, 202006
  • Association between lower urinary tract symptoms and cigarette smoking or alcohol drinking, TRANSLATIONAL ANDROLOGY AND UROLOGY, 202004
  • 실손형 민간의료보험 가입의 영향요인과 실손형 민간의료보험이 의료이용에 미치는 영향에서 성별 차이: 한국의료패널(2010-2016), 한국콘텐츠학회 논문지(THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREA CONTENTS ASSOCIATION), 202003
  • Self-rated health and risk of incident non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A cohort study, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 202003
  • Effect of Information Disclosure Policy on Control of Infectious Disease: MERS-CoV Outbreak in South Korea, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 202001
  • Sex Differences in Factors Affecting Hospital Outpatient Department Visits: Korea Health Panel Survey Data from 2009 to 2016†, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 201912
  • Sex Differences in Factors Associated with General Life Satisfaction among Occupationally Injured Workers in Korea: A Panel Analysis of the 2013-2017 Panel Study of Worker's Compensation Insurance, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 201911
  • 출산과 여성의 사회경제적 상태 변화: 성향점수매칭과 이중차이를 활용한 분석, 한국콘텐츠학회 논문지(THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREA CONTENTS ASSOCIATION), 201910
  • 만성질환자에서 실손형 민간의료보험의 가입 관련 요인과 외래 의료이용의 관련 요인, 병원경영학회지, 201909
  • Determinants of timeliness in early childhood vaccination among mothers with vaccination cards in Sindh province, Pakistan: a secondary analysis of cross-sectional survey data, BMJ OPEN, 201909
  • Is Transient and Persistent Poverty Harmful to Multimorbidity?: Model Testing Algorithms, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 201907
  • The Economic Burden of Breast Cancer Survivors in Korea: A Descriptive Study Using a 26-Month Micro-Costing Cohort Approach, ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION, 201907
  • Relationships between Sleep Patterns, Health Risk Behaviors, and Health Outcomes among School-Based Population of Adolescents: A Panel Analysis of the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 201906
  • Factors Affecting Breastfeeding Practices in Sindh Province, Pakistan: A Secondary Analysis of Cross-Sectional Survey Data, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 201905
  • Factors associated with the use of antenatal care in Sindh province, Pakistan: A population-based study, PLOS ONE, 201904
  • Self-rated health and the risk of incident type 2 diabetes mellitus: A cohort study, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 201903
  • Impact of Socio-Economic Factors and Health Information Sources on Place of Birth in Sindh Province, Pakistan: A Secondary Analysis of Cross-Sectional Survey Data, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 201903
  • 65-75세 노인의 실손형 민간의료보험 가입 영향요인, 병원경영학회지, 201903
  • Gender differences in the impact of retirement on depressive symptoms among middle-aged and older adults: A propensity score matching approach, PLOS ONE, 201903
  • Association between health-related quality of life and work status in older Korean adults, GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 201812
  • Health-Promoting Behavior and Influencing Factors in Young North Korean Refugees (NKRs) Living in South Korea, JOURNAL OF IMMIGRANT AND MINORITY HEALTH, 201812
  • What Is It to Be Mentally Healthy from the North Korean Refugees' Perspective?: Qualitative Research on the Changes in Mental Health Awareness among the North Korean Refugees, PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION, 201811
  • Factors affecting complete and timely childhood immunization coverage in Sindh, Pakistan; A secondary analysis of cross-sectional survey data, PLOS ONE, 201810
  • 소아 및 청소년의 실손형 민간의료보험 가입 결정요인, 한국콘텐츠학회 논문지(THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREA CONTENTS ASSOCIATION), 201810
  • Relationship between body image and weight status in east Asian countries: comparison between South Korea and Taiwan, BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 201807
  • Factors Related to the Attitude of North Korean Refugees Towards People with Mental Illness, IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 201807
  • Association between supplementary private health insurance and visits to physician offices versus hospital outpatient departments among adults with diabetes in the universal public insurance system, PLOS ONE, 201804
  • 성별에 따른 스트레스 인지 정도 관련 요인, 한국콘텐츠학회 논문지(THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREA CONTENTS ASSOCIATION), 201803
  • Gender Differences and Socioeconomic Factors Related to Osteoporosis: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Nationally Representative Data, JOURNAL OF WOMENS HEALTH, 201802
  • 실손형 민간의료보험이 의료 이용에 미치는 영향: 도구변수를 활용한 분석, 한국콘텐츠학회 논문지(THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREA CONTENTS ASSOCIATION), 201801
  • The Effects of Discrimination Experience on Life Satisfaction of North Korean Refugees: Mediating Effect of Stress, PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION, 201801
  • The elderly and falls: Factors associated with quality of life A cross-sectional study using large-scale national data in Korea, ARCHIVES OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS, 201711
  • Association between Sleep Duration and Injury from Falling among Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Korean Community Health Survey Data, YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL, 201711
  • Gender Differences in Suicidal Ideation and Related Factors among North Korean Refugees in South Korea, PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION, 201711
  • 민간의료보험 가입 유형별 의료 이용: 6개년 불균형패널 분석, 보건의료산업학회지, 201709
  • Relationship of health, sociodemographic, and economic factors and life satisfaction in young-old and old-old elderly: a cross-sectional analysis of data from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY SCIENCE, 201709
  • Relationship between the number of family members and stress by gender: Cross-sectional analysis of the fifth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, PLOS ONE, 201709
  • 민간의료보험, 공보험과의 공진화: 최근 20년간 우리나라의 민간의료보험 연구 동향, 보건경제와 정책연구, 201709
  • Body mass index and self-rated health in East Asian countries: Comparison among South Korea, China, Japan, and Taiwan, PLOS ONE, 201708
  • 민간의료보험 가입 여부가 본인부담 진료비의주관적 부담 수준에 미치는 영향, 한국콘텐츠학회 논문지(THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREA CONTENTS ASSOCIATION), 201706
  • 부모의 양육 스트레스와 아동의 언어·수리 학업능력의 관계, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN DATA ANALYSIS SOCIETY, 201706
  • 민간의료보험이 의료기관 종별 선택에 미치는 영향: 관절염 환자의 외래 이용을 중심으로, 병원경영학회지, 201706
  • 의료보장 체계 개선에 대한 청십자의료보험의 정책적 함의, 사회보장연구(KOREAN SOCIAL SECURITY STUDIES), 201705
  • Relationship between Number of Household Members and Prevalence of Chronic Diseases: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Korea Health Panel Data, POPULATION HEALTH MANAGEMENT, 201704
  • 출산 여성의 산후관리서비스 이용에 영향을 미치는 요인, 보건의료산업학회지, 201704
  • Gender Differences in Outpatient Utilization: A Pooled Analysis of Data from the Korea Health Panel, JOURNAL OF WOMENS HEALTH, 201702
  • The Impact of Unfair Trade Restrictions on Corporate Behavior and Financial Performance of Pharmaceutical Companies: The Dual Punishment System in Korea, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTENTS, 201612
  • 청년 취업자의 이직 준비 관련 요인: 청년패널 2007-2013 자료 분석, 한국콘텐츠학회 논문지(THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREA CONTENTS ASSOCIATION), 201612
  • Income among North Korean refugees in South Korea: a longitudinal survey, NORTH KOREAN REVIEW, 201611
  • Relationship between physical disability and depression by gender: A panel regression model, PLOS ONE, 201611
  • Age and gender differential relationship between employment status and body mass index among middle-aged and elderly adults: A cross-sectional study, BMJ OPEN, 201611
  • 가구소득 수준과 의료비 지출 비중의 관련성: 한국의료패널 자료 분석, 한국콘텐츠학회 논문지(THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREA CONTENTS ASSOCIATION), 201610
  • Public satisfaction with the healthcare system performance in South Korea: Universal healthcare system, HEALTH POLICY, 201606
  • Social Activities, Socioeconomic Factors, and Overweight Status Among Middle-Aged and Older Korean Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 201603
  • 당뇨병 교육의 경제성 평가 방법 및 활용 방안, THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN DIABETES(구. 임상당뇨병(CLINICAL DIABETES)), 201512
  • Gender Difference in Relationship between Health-Related Quality of Life and Work Status, PLOS ONE, 201512
  • Having private cancer insurance in Korea: gender differences, ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION, 201512
  • 북한이탈청소년의 스트레스가 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 자아존중감을 매개변수로 활용하여, 한국콘텐츠학회 논문지(THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREA CONTENTS ASSOCIATION), 201510
  • The determinants of medicine or conventional medicine: findings from the Korea Health Panel, EVIDENCE-BASED COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE, 201506
  • 북한이탈주민이 생각하는 남·북한 정신건강문제에 대한 시급성(urgency)과 심각성(severity), 통일문제연구, 201505
  • Relationship between the intensity of physical activity and depressive symptoms among Korean adults: analysis of Korea Health Panel data, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY SCIENCE, 201504
  • Body mass index and depressive symptoms in middle aged and older adults, BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 201503
  • Factors associated with the frequency of physician visits among North Korean defectors residing in South Korea: A cross-sectional study, BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, 201503
  • A Study of Mental Health Literacy Among North Korean Refugees in South Korea, JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH(구.예방의학회지), 201501
  • 중·노년기 은퇴자의 은퇴 전후의 사회적 관계망 변화, 한국콘텐츠학회 논문지(THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREA CONTENTS ASSOCIATION), 201412
  • 의사코칭 프로그램의 만족도 평가, 한국콘텐츠학회 논문지(THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREA CONTENTS ASSOCIATION), 201412
  • 식생활습관 변화가 북한이탈청소년의 스트레스와 우울감에 미치는 영향, 북한연구학회보, 201412
  • 내시경, 초음파, CT, MRI, PET 검사와 민간의료보험의 관련성 연구, 보건의료산업학회지, 201412
  • Body mass index and depressive symptoms in older adults: A cross-lagged panel analysis, PLOS ONE, 201412
  • 대학생의 근로 참여 의지에 영향을 미치는 요인, 한국콘텐츠학회 논문지(THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREA CONTENTS ASSOCIATION), 201411
  • Factors associated with self-rated health among North Korean defectors residing in South Korea, BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 201409
  • Atypical Epidemiologic Finding in Association between Depression and Alcohol Use or Smoking in Korean Male: Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging, PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION, 201407
  • High total hospitalization cost but low cost of imaging studies in recurrent acute ischemic stroke patients, PLOS ONE, 201407
  • 민간의료보험이 의료 이용에 미치는 영향: 한국의료패널(2008-2010)을 이용한 Two-Stage 분석, 보건의료산업학회지, 201406
  • 상급종합병원과 종합병원의민원처리 담당 직원의 직무 스트레스 비교 분석, 병원경영학회지, 201406
  • Impact of parental socioeconomic status on childhood and adolescent overweight and underweight in Korea, JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, 201405
  • Gender differences and socioeconomic status in relation to overweight among older Korean people, PLOS ONE, 201405
  • Influences of socioeconomic factors on childhood and adolescent overweight by gender in Korea: cross-sectional analysis of nationally representative sample, BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 201404
  • 당뇨병 환자의 당뇨병 교육 순응도와 당뇨병 지식: 일 병원 당뇨병 교육 거부 환자를 중심으로, THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN DIABETES(구. 임상당뇨병(CLINICAL DIABETES)), 201403
  • 가치기반 체계에 근거한 의료기술평가: 영국 NICE의 신뢰 지향적 가치판단 과정을 중심으로, 보건의료산업학회지, 201312
  • AHP를 이용한 공공병원 평가지표의 우선순위 및 가중치 개발, 보건의료산업학회지, 201312
  • Categorized hospital charges of acute ischemic stroke according to trial of org 10172 in acute stroke treatment classification, NEUROLOGY INDIA, 201311
  • Time Trend of Out-of-pocket Expenditure among Cancer Inpatients: Evidence from Korean Tertiary Hospitals, ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION, 201309
  • 수도권 지역 치과의료기관 이용자의 민영치과의료보험에 대한 인식과 가입 현황, 한국콘텐츠학회 논문지(THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREA CONTENTS ASSOCIATION), 201307
  • Information System Success Model for Customer Relationship Management System in Health Promotion Centers, HEALTHCARE INFORMATICS RESEARCH, 201306
  • Use of Traditional Korean Medicine by Patients with Musculoskeletal Disorders, PLOS ONE, 201305
  • 환자-의사 커뮤니케이션 개선을 위한 의사코칭 모델 개발, 한국콘텐츠학회 논문지(THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREA CONTENTS ASSOCIATION), 201302
  • 2000-2010년 뇌졸중 환자의 입원진료 현황과 추세, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION(대한의사협회지), 201210
  • 외래 의료 이용에서 종별 의료기관 선택에 영향을 미치는 요인, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION(대한의사협회지), 201209
  • 민간의료보험 시장 규모 변동에 영향을 미치는 개인 특성, 보건의료산업학회지, 201206
  • 델파이 조사법을 이용한 의료 자원 사용의 효율성 평가지표 개발, 보건행정학회지, 201203
  • Itemized hospital charges for acute cerebral infarction patients influenced by severity in an academic medical center in Korea, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROLOGY, 201203
  • Rapid Increase in the National Treatment Costs for Hepatitis A Infections in Korea, TOHOKU JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 201201
  • 저서
  • 그룹진료 ABC: 함께하는 일대일 진료, The ABCs of group visits. 1. 이론편, 하누리 : 디자인메카, 202107
  • 의료관리, 서울대학교출판문화원, 201709
  • 글로벌 시대의 병원경영, 도서출판 YOUNG38, 201509
  • 권영대