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홈HOME > 교실/학과 > 기초의학교실
[ 예방의학교실 ]
  • 논문
  • A Comparison of Changes in Health Behavior, Obesity, and Mental Health of Korean Adolescents Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Online Cross-Sectional Study, PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION, 202311
  • Problematic Smartphone Use and Its Relationship With Anxiety and Suicidal Ideation Among South Korean Adolescents, PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION, 202309
  • Association of Social Support and Postpartum Depression According to the Time After Childbirth in South Korea, PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION, 202308
  • Is social support associated with postpartum depression, anxiety and perceived stress among Korean women within the first year postpartum?, JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY, 202307
  • The risk of obstructive sleep apnea is highly correlated with depressive symptoms among the Korean adults population: results from the 2020 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, BMC PSYCHIATRY, 202306
  • Trends in health behaviors and mental health among Korean adolescents in Korea over 5 years, 2017-2021: focusing on the comparisons before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH, 202304
  • Association Between Changes in Oral Health-Related Quality of Life and Depressive Symptoms in the Korean Elderly Population, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 202303
  • Associations between binge drinking experience, depressive mood, and suicidality in adolescents: Based on the 2021 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey, JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS, 202302
  • Socio-economic factors associated with mental health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea, FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH, 202212
  • Depression, anxiety, and stress in Korean general population during the COVID-19 pandemic, EPIDEMIOLOGY AND HEALTH(구.한국역학회), 202201
  • 저서
  • 환자의 경험에 집중하라 : 현장 전문가가 알려주는 환자경험평가 가이드북, 청년의사, 202206
  • 학술발표
  • 국내학술대회(포스터), 위내시경 검사 후 조직검사 시행 행태태, 한국보건행정학회 후기 학술대회, 2023.11.02
  • 국내학술대회(포스터), 한국 성인의 사회경제적 수준에 따른 당뇨 유병률, 인지율, 치료율, 조절율율, 한국보건행정학회 후기 학술대회, 2023.11.02
  • 국제학술대회(포스터), Endoscopist volume and the quality of colonoscopy of the Korean NationalCancer Screening Program, 2023 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, 2023.06.03
  • 이후연