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홈HOME > 교실/학과 > 기초의학교실
[ 직업환경의학교실 ]
  • 논문
  • Synergistic interaction between long shifts and short rest periods on depression in shift workers: A cross-sectional study from Korea, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE, 202311
  • Children's health affected by parent's behavioral characteristics: a review, CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PEDIATRICS, 202308
  • Association between irregular working hours and work-related musculoskeletal pain: Results from the 6th korean working conditions survey, ANNALS OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202307
  • Development of algorithm for work intensity evaluation using excess overwork index of construction workers with real-time heart rate measurement device, ANNALS OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202307
  • The association between long working hours and obstructive sleep apnea assessed by STOP-BANG score: a cross-sectional study, INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, 202303
  • The COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Its Impact on Post-Corona Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management in Republic of Korea, SUSTAINABILITY, 202302
  • Risks of Leukemia in Various Industrial Groups in Korea: A Retrospective National Cohort Study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH (IJERPH), 202301
  • Health Effects Associated With Humidifier Disinfectant Use: A Systematic Review for Exploration, JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 202208
  • Alcohol Abuse Associated with Accumulated Periods of Precarious Employment: A Four-Year Follow-Up Study of a Young Population in Korea, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 202206
  • The Association Between Long Working Hours of Parents and Dyslipidemia in Their Children, FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH, 202206
  • Risk of Cerebro-Cardiovascular Diseases among Police Officers and Firefighters: A Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Study, YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL, 202206
  • Association of sedentary work with colon and rectal cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis, OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202204
  • Comparative analyses of occupational injuries among temporary agency worker and direct contract workers: Findings from the Korea Health Panel 2009-2018, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, 202203
  • Long Working Hours and Risk of Depression by Household Income Level: Findings From the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES), JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202202
  • Working for Long Hours Is Associated With Dietary Fiber Insufficiency, FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION, 202202
  • 저서
  • 직업환경의학, 계축문화사, 202211
  • 학술발표
  • 국제학술대회(구연), Working condition survey of plant construction workers in Korea, 23rd Asian Congress on Occupational Health, 2023.11.24
  • 국제학술대회(구연), Training system for occupational and environmental medicine physicians in the Republic of Korea Training system for occupational and environmental medicine physicians in the Republic of Korea Training system for occupational and environmental medicine physicians in the Republic of Korea, 23rd Asian Congress on Occupational Health, 2023.11.23
  • 국제학술대회(포스터), The present of Eggshell calcification among dust exposure, The 27th Congress of the Asian Pacifici society of Repspirology, 2023.11.19
  • 국내학술대회(구연), Identifying contributing factors and successful interventions of false-positive serum Aspergillus antigen galactomannan assay: a matched case-control study and interrupted time series analysis, 대한감염학회 추계학술대회, 2023.11.02
  • 국내학술대회(구연),몽골 진폐증 발생 현황과 직업성 호흡기질환 대응 체계를 위한 교육 프로그램, 국제보건의료학회 추계학술대회, 202212
  • 국내학술대회(구연),플랜트건설 노동자의 산업보건 기반조사, 대한직업환경의학회 가을학술대회, 202211
  • 국내학술대회(포스터),Risk of cerebro-cardiovascular disease among police officers and firefighters, 대한직업환경의학회 가을학술대회, 202211
  • 국제학술대회(구연),Toxic inhalation and asthma: Lessons from humidifier disinfectant, International Congress of 50th Anniversary KAAACI, 202205
  • 이종인