논문Case-Control Study of Occupational Acute Myeloid Leukemia in the Republic of Korea, SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK, 202312Mediation analysis of chronotype, sleep-related factors, and depressive symptoms among workers: a cross-sectional study, ANNALS OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202311Disparity of Bladder Cancer Incidence Among Male Workers Across Industries A Population Based Cohort Study From South Korea, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202309Occupational Risk Factors for Stroke: A Comprehensive Review, JOURNAL OF STROKE (舊.대한뇌졸중학회지), 202309Development of algorithm for work intensity evaluation using excess overwork index of construction workers with real-time heart rate measurement device, ANNALS OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202307Association between irregular working hours and work-related musculoskeletal pain: Results from the 6th korean working conditions survey, ANNALS OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202307자동차 제조업체 조립공정 근로자의 국소진동 노출 수준 및 작업환경 만족도 평가, 한국산업보건학회지, 202306NATM 공법에 의한 고속도로 터널 공사 중 라돈 노출 평가, 한국산업보건학회지, 202306Who is the most precarious among the nonstandard workers? A comparative study of unmet medical needs among standard workers and subtypes of nonstandard workers, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, 202306Association of summer temperatures and acute kidney injury in South Korea: a case-crossover study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, 202306Occupational risk factors associated with lower urinary tract symptoms among female workers: a systematic review, OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202305Association between social jetlag and chronic kidney disease among the Korean working population, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 202304Social jetlag and risk of depression: Results from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS, 202302The association between occupational stress level and health-related productivity loss among Korean employees, EPIDEMIOLOGY AND HEALTH (舊.한국역학회), 202301The Association Between Long Working Hours of Parents and Dyslipidemia in Their Children, FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH, 202206The Association Between Organizational Justice and Health-Related Productivity Loss Among Korean Employees, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202205Heat exposure and workers' health: a systematic review, REVIEWS ON ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, 202205Association between long working hours and liver enzymes: evidence from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007-2017, ANNALS OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202205Association of sedentary work with colon and rectal cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis, OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202204Comparative analyses of occupational injuries among temporary agency worker and direct contract workers: Findings from the Korea Health Panel 2009-2018, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, 202203Differential impact of working hours on unmet medical needs by income level: a longitudinal study of Korean workers, SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF WORK, ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH, 202203Poor worker's long working hours paradox: evidence from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2013-2018, ANNALS OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202202Working for Long Hours Is Associated With Dietary Fiber Insufficiency, FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION, 202202Long Working Hours and Risk of Depression by Household Income Level: Findings From the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES), JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202202Employment Status Transition Predicts Adult Obesity Trajectory: Evidence From a Cohort Study in South Korea, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202112The Influence of Chronic Diseases on Self-Reported Work Disability: Evidence From the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study 2003-2018, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202110The relationship between working hours and lifestyle behaviors: Evidence from a population-based panel study in Korea, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, 202109Interaction between occupational physical burdens and low job control on musculoskeletal pain: Analysis of the 5th Korean Working Environment Survey, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, 202107Health-Related Productivity Loss According to Health Conditions among Workers in South Korea, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 202107Dose-Response Relationship between Environmental Exposure to Nickel and Pulmonary Function in the Korean General Population Aged 40 or Older, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 202107Educational Inequalities in Ill-Health Retirement Among Middle- and Older-Aged Workers in Korea The Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (2006-2016), JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202106Sedentary work and breast cancer risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, 202106Increased risk of gastric cancer in workers with occupational dust exposure, KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE, 202103Relationship Between Emotional Labor and Perceived Health Status Among Service and Sales Workers Findings From the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007 to 2009, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202102The combined effect of long working hours and individual risk factors on cardiovascular disease: An interaction analysis, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, 202102Occupational physical activity, not leisure-time physical activity, is associated with increased high-sensitivity C reactive protein levels, OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202102Association of long working hours and health-related productivity loss, and its differential impact by income level: A cross-sectional study of the Korean workers, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, 202012The Association between Shift Work and Health-Related Productivity Loss due to Either Sickness Absence or Reduced Performance at Work: A Cross-Sectional Study of Korea, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 202011Poor glycemic control in workers with diabetes mellitus in relation to long working hours: a cross-sectional study, INDUSTRIAL HEALTH, 202010Long work hours and decreased glomerular filtration rate in the Korean working population, OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202010Cancer risk in road transportation workers: a national representative cohort study with 600,000 person-years of follow-up, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 202007Self-Rated Health Trajectory Changes According to Employment Transition A Korean Prospective Cohort Study, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202007The Health Status of Informal Waste Collectors in Korea, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 202007Occupational Lead Exposure and Brain Tumors: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 202006Is Educational Level Linked to Unable to Work Due to Ill-health?, SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK, 202006Occupational Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: An Updated Systematic Review, BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 202005Trends in Obesity Prevalence by Occupation Based on Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey From 1998 to 2015, SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK, 202003Effect of Socioeconomic Factors on the Relationship Between Musculoskeletal Pain and Ill-Health Retirement in Korea Results From the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 202002Influence of combined exposure to perceived risk at work and unstable employment on self-rated health: a comparison of two cross-sectional surveys in Europe and Korea, BMJ OPEN, 202001Establishment and operation of a cooperative program to identify work-related acute myeloid leukemia in a general hospital, ANNALS OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 201911Does working long hours increase the risk of cardiovascular disease for everyone?, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, 201911Comparison of work environment and occupational injury in direct and indirect employment in Korea and Europe, ANNALS OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 201909Cancer Incidence Among Air Transportation Industry Workers Using the National Cohort Study of Korea, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 201908Fixed night workers and failed smoking cessation, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY, 201908Suicide trends over time by occupation in korea and their relationship to economic downturns, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 201906The Impact of Working Hours on Cardiovascular Diseases and Moderating Effects of Sex and Type of Work: Results from a Longitudinal Analysis of the Korean Working Population, JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 201906Maculopathy from an accidental exposure to welding arc, BMJ CASE REPORTS, 201902Job characteristics as risk factors for early retirement due to ill health: The Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (2006-2014), JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, 201901The Impact of Depression on Ill-Health Retirement and Its Moderating Factors Analysis From the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (2006 to 2014), JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 201809Mental disorders among workers in the healthcare industry: 2014 national health insurance data, ANNALS OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE, 201805학술발표국제학술대회(구연), Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Long Working Hours and Hypertension, 23rd Asian Congress on Occupational Health, 2023.11.24국제학술대회(포스터),A hospital-based case-control study of acute myeloid leukemia in South Kroea: Analysis of occupational data investigated by a general hospital surveillance system, Caner, Work & employment international Scientific conference, 202211국내학술대회(구연),사회적 시차(Social Jetlag)와 우울위험, 대한직업환경의학회 가을학술대회, 202211국내학술대회(구연),소진증후군(Burnout) 개념의 변화, 한국직무스트레스학회 하계학술대회, 202208국내학술대회(구연),장시간 노동과 식이섬유 섭취 부족과의 관련성성, 제66차 대한직업환경의학회 가을학술대회, 202112국내학술대회(구연),기온과 신장기능의 연관성에 관한연구: 일개 병원 내원환자의 반복측정 자료 이용용, 제66차 대한직업환경의학회 가을학술대회, 202112국내학술대회(구연),Occupational stressors and hypertension, 대한고혈압학회 2021년 제55회 추계국제학술대회, 202111국내학술대회(구연),직업교육 과정의 안전보건 해외사례, 2021년 제66차 대한직업환경의학회 가을학술대회, 202111국내학술대회(구연),상병수당의 도입과 직업건강의 미래, 2021년 제66차 대한직업환경의학회 가을학술대회, 202111국내학술대회(구연),디지털미디어 과사용과 근골격계질환, 한국중독정신의학회, 202111국내학술대회(구연),Review of 2019 사회심리분야, 대한직업환경의학회 2019년 가을학술대회, 201911국내학술대회(구연),번 아웃(소진): 직업환경적 위험요인, 한국직무스트레스학회 하계 학술대회, 201908국제학술대회(포스터),The impact of depression on ill-health retirement and its moderating factors: Analysis form the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (2006-2014), 2019 Work Disability Prevention and Integration Conference, 201906국내학술대회(포스터),직업성 외상후스트레스장애 체계적 문헌고찰 업데이트, 한국직무스트레스학회 2019동계 학술대회, 201903국내학술대회(구연), Review of 2018 사회심리분야, 대한직업환경의학회 가을학회, 2018.12.28국내학술대회(구연), 노동자 자살의 위험요인, 산업보건학술제, 2018.11.21국내학술대회(구연), 직업보건 의료윤리 강령 소개, 대한직업환경의학회 가을학회, 2018.11.02국내학술대회(구연), Mental health effects of shift work, 대한수면의학회 추계학술대회, 2018.10.26국내학술대회(구연), 우정종사원 정신건강 연구, 한국직무스트레스학회 2018년 하계학술대회, 2018.08.31국제학술대회(포스터), Musculoskeletal pain predicts ill-health retirement among Korean workers, International Congress of Occupational Health, 2018.05.03국내학술대회(포스터), The impact of depression on ill-health retirement and its
moderating factors: Analysis form the Korean
The impact of depression on ill-health retirement and its moderating factors: Analysis form the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (2006-2014), 한국직무스트레스학회 동계학회, 2018.01.26