논문Efficacy and safety of diacerein and celecoxib combination therapy for knee osteoarthritis: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled prospective study, MEDICINE, 202309Cost-Effectiveness of Active Surveillance Compared to Early Surgery of Small Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Retrospective Study on a Korean Population, JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 202308Risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in catholic priests compared with general public, ACTA DIABETOLOGICA, 202305Experience With and Awareness of Telemedicine Among Korean Outpatients During the COVID-19 Pandemic, TELEMEDICINE AND E-HEALTH, 202211건강검진 자료를 이용한 가톨릭 성직자와 일반인의 전립선 특이항원 수치 비교, KOREAN JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE (KJFP), 202112Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Active Surveillance Compared to Early Surgery in Small Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Systemic Review, CANCER MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH, 202108Increasing Individual Target Glucose Levels to Prevent Hypoglycemia in Patients with Diabetes, 가정의학회지(KOREAN JOURNAL OF FAMILY MEDICINE), 202107Exercise Strategies to Prevent Hypoglycemia in Patients with Diabetes, 가정의학회지(KOREAN JOURNAL OF FAMILY MEDICINE), 202103Increasing Individual Target Glucose Levels to Prevent Hypoglycemia in Patients with Diabetes, 가정의학회지(KOREAN JOURNAL OF FAMILY MEDICINE), 202001Obesity, abdominal obesity and subsequent risk of kidney cancer: a cohort study of 23.3 million East Asians, BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER, 201907한국인의 죽음 관련 의사소통 및 죽음 관련 가치관 확신 정도에 대한 조사, 가정의학회지(KOREAN JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE), 201906Tolerability and adequate therapeutic dosage of oral clomipramine for the treatment of premature ejaculation: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, fixed-dose, parallel-grouped clinical study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPOTENCE RESEARCH, 201804Cost-effectiveness analysis of infant pneumococcal vaccination with PHiD-CV in Korea, HUMAN VACCINES & IMMUNOTHERAPEUTICS, 201801Tolerability and adequate therapeutic dosage of oral clomipramine for the treatment of premature ejaculation: A randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled, fixed-dose, parallel-grouped clinical study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPOTENCE RESEARCH, 201712Risk of Sarcopenia and Osteoporosis in Male Tuberculosis Survivors: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 201710Factors Associated with Ketamine Use in Pancreatic Cancer Patient in a Single Hospice Center, 한국호스피스·완화의료학회지, 201609Incidence and treatment costs attributable to medication errors in hospitalized patients, RESEARCH IN SOCIAL & ADMINISTRATIVE PHARMACY, 201605Oral health behaviors and bone mineral density in South Korea: the 2008-2010 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL METABOLISM, 201603Serum and urine concentrations of morphine and morphine metabolites in patients with advanced cancer receiving continuous intravenous morphine: an observational study, BMC PALLIATIVE CARE, 201510Consensus Validated List of Potentially Inappropriate Medication for the Elderly and Their Prevalence in South Korea, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY, 201509Comment on: Ultrasonography as a useful modality for documenting sacroiliitis in radiographically negative inflammatory back pain: a comparative evaluation with MRI, RHEUMATOLOGY, 201508Economic Impact of Atopic Dermatitis in Korean Patients, ANNALS OF DERMATOLOGY (08년3월이후), 201506Hyponatremia as an independent prognostic factor in patients with terminal cancer, SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER, 201506Association between the duration of palliative care service and survival in terminal cancer patients, SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER, 201504Interpreting the results of statistical analysis of serum hormone data: comment on the article by hussain et al, ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATOLOGY(구.ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM), 201501Dietary magnesium intake and metabolic syndrome in the adult population: dose-response meta-analysis and meta-regression., NUTRIENTS, 201412The Association between Phase Angle of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis and Survival Time in Advanced Cancer Patients: Preliminary Study, 가정의학회지(KOREAN JOURNAL OF FAMILY MEDICINE), 201409근거중심의학, 대한보완통합의학회지(대한보완대체의학회지), 201405Achieving recommended low density lipoprotein cholesterol goals and the factors associated with target achievement of hypercholesterolemia patients with rosuvastatin in primary care, CURRENT MEDICAL RESEARCH AND OPINION, 201307Relationship Between Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Lung Function Among Korean Adults in Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES), 2008-2010, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM, 201304말기 암 환자에서 항암치료 종료 후 호스피스 입실까지의 기간이 여명에 미치는 영향, 가정의학회지(KOREAN JOURNAL OF FAMILY MEDICINE), 201303Quality of Life and Disease Severity Are Correlated in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis, JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 201211아토피피부염에 대한 환자의 인식도 설문조사 연구, 대한피부과학회지, 201203일차의료에서 우울증의 선별과 사후관리, 가정의학회지(KOREAN JOURNAL OF FAMILY MEDICINE), 201203저서노인재활의학, 대한노인재활의학회, 201608가정의학, 도서출판 진기획, 201311스트레스 과학, 도서출판 한국의학, 201311심뇌혈관질환 1차예방 가이드라인, 국진피앤디, 201304학술발표국제학술대회(포스터), Efficacy and safety of diacerwin adcelecoxib combination therapy for knee osteoarthritis, 세계 가정의학회 학회, 2023.10.28국제학술대회(구연), Cost-Effectiveness of Early Detection with ultrasonography of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: A Retrospective Study on a Korean Population, SICEM 2023 (The 11th Seoul International Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolism), 2023.10.27국제학술대회(포스터), Examing Time to All-Cause Hospitalization of Death Among Second-Generation Antipsychotics Long-Acting Injectables in Schizophrenia, ISPOR (국제약물경제학회), 2023.05.09국제학술대회(포스터), Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Active Surveillence Compared to Early Surgery in Small Papillary Thyroid cancer with the Previous Data in Korean Population, ISPOR (국제 약물경제학회), 2023.05.09국내학술대회(포스터), Cost-effectiveness analysis of active surveillance compared to early surgery in small papillary thyroid cancer with the previous data in Korean population, 2023년 대한갑상선학회 춘계학술대회 및 연수강좌, 2023.03.03국제학술대회(구연),Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Active Surveillance Compared to Surgery in Small Thyroid Papillary Cancer: Systemic Review, AOCE-SICEM 2020 Virtual Congress, 202010국제학술대회(포스터), Effect of Seanol on the autonomous function change in female young aduls with fatigue, 2018년 세계가정의학회 학술대회, 2018.10.20국제학술대회(포스터),THE IMPACT OF SOCIOECONOMIC AND CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS ON HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH PSORIASIS: AN INTERNET-BASED CROSS-SECTIONAL SURVEY, ISPOR 22nd Annual International Meeting, 201705국제학술대회(포스터),Catheter intervention in terminal cancer patient : ascites and pleural effusion, Asia Pacific Hospice Conference, 201505국제학술대회(포스터),THE COSTS OF ILLNESS OF ATOPIC DERMATITIS IN SOUTH KOREA
THE COSTS OF ILLNESS OF ATOPIC DERMATITIS IN SOUTH KOREA, ISPOR 17th Annual European Congress, 201411국내학술대회(포스터),건강검진을 통한 군 건강관리 체계 구축, 제53차 대한직업환경의학회 가을학술대회, 201411국제학술대회(포스터),BUDGET IMPACT ON THE USE OF PEGFILGRASTIM TO REDUCE THE FEBRILE NEUTROPENIA DURING CHEMOTHERAPY FOR BREAST CANCER WITH MODERATE RISK COMPARED TO A STANDARD THERAPY, ISPOR 17th Annual European Congress, 201411국내학술대회(구연),Oral hypoglycemic agents의 심혈관계 질환에 대한 위험, 2013 대한임상건강증진학회 추계학술대회, 201311국내학술대회(구연),항응고요법, 2013 대한가정의학회 추계학술대회, 201310국제학술대회(포스터),Effects of the inhalation of negative air ions on heart rate variability and capillary blood velocity, 2014 세계가정의학회, 201306국제학술대회(포스터),Effects of respiration rate on heart rate variability, 2014국제가정의학회, 201306국제학술대회(포스터),THE MEDICAL COSTS AND HEALTH CARE UTILIZATION FOR DEPRESSION TREATMENT BY KOREAN HEALTH INSURANCE REVIEW & ASSESSMENT SERVICE DATA, 18th ISPOR (국제약물경제학회), 201305국제학술대회(포스터),IMPACT OF ADVERSE DRUG EVENTS ON HOSPITAL LENGTH OF STAY AND HOSPITALIZATION COSTS IN US HOSPITALS FOR 2003-2009
IMPACT OF ADVERSE DRUG EVENTS ON HOSPITAL LENGTH OF STAY AND HOSPITALIZATION COSTS IN HOSPITALS FOR 2003-2009 IN US, 18th ISPOR, 201305국제학술대회(포스터),PRODUCTIVITY LOSS COSTS ATTRIBUTABLE TO OVERWEIGHT OR OBESITY IN WORKING ASTHMA PATIENTS IN THE US, 18th ISPOR, 201305국내학술대회(구연),심방세동 항응고요법, 2013 대한가정의학회 춘계학술대회, 201304국내학술대회(구연),급성관성동맥증후군, 2013 대한임상건강증진학회 춘계학술대회, 201304국제학술대회(포스터),The effect of radiofrequency therapy on abdominal obesity, International conference and exhibition on obesity & weight management, 201212국제학술대회(포스터),The effecr of radiofrequency therapy on abdominal obesity, International Coference and Exhibition on Obesity and Weight Management, 201212국내학술대회(구연),Quality of life and disease severity are correlated in patients with atopic dermatitis, 제12차 대한아토피피부염학회 학술대회, 201211국내학술대회(포스터),Quality of Life and disease severity are correlated in patients with atopic dermatitis, 제 64차 대한피부과학회 추계학술대회, 201210국제학술대회(구연),신6식태극권 수련이 심박동변이도에 미치는 영향, 아태 가정의학회(WONCA), 201205국제학술대회(포스터),Prevalence of Premature Ejauculation among Korean men in Primary care, 19th WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference, 201205