논문Polytetrafluorethylene microplastic particles mediated oxidative stress, inflammation, and intracellular signaling pathway alteration in human derived cell lines, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 202311Association of immunotoxicological indices with lung cancer biomarkers in poultry, grape, and rose farming workers, TOXICOLOGICAL RESEARCH (한국독성학회지), 202310Evaluation of potential toxicity of polyethylene microplastics on human derived cell lines, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 202209Comparison of Overall Immunity Levels among Workers at Grape Orchard, Rose Greenhouse, and Open-Field Onion Farm, SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK, 202206Exposure to lead on expression levels of brain immunoglobulins, inflammatory cytokines, and brain-derived neurotropic factor in fetal and postnatal mice with autism-like characteristics, JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH-PART A-CURRENT ISSUES, 202111Dysregulation of murine immune functions on inhalational exposure to ammonia, dimethyl disulfide, 3-methylindole, or propionic acid, TOXICOLOGY AND INDUSTRIAL HEALTH, 202104Prediction of the skin sensitization potential of polyhexamethylene guanidine and triclosan and mixtures of these compounds with the excipient propylene glycol through the human Cell Line Activation Test, TOXICOLOGY AND INDUSTRIAL HEALTH, 202101Quantitative Association of Humoral or Cellular Immunologic Markers with the Prediction of Skewed Adaptive Immunity in Agricultural Workers, QUANTITATIVE BIO-SCIENCE, 202012Association between morbidity of non-communicable disease and employment status: a comparison between Korea and the United States, BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 202005Prediction of the skin sensitization potential of polyhexamethylene guanidine phosphate, oligo(2-(2-ethoxy)ethoxyethyl) guanidinium chloride, triclosan, and mixtures of these compounds with the excipient propylene glycol through the local lymph node assay: BrdU-FCM, TOXICOLOGY AND INDUSTRIAL HEALTH, 201912비육돈사 공기중 분진 수준에 대한 시계열적 분석 및 돈사내외부 분진 수준 비교분석, 한국환경보건학회지(JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES), 201912Prediction of the skin sensitization potential of didecyldimethylammonium chloride and 3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienal and mixtures of these compounds with the excipient ethylene glycol through the human Cell Line Activation Test and the Direct Peptide Reactivity Assay, TOXICOLOGY AND INDUSTRIAL HEALTH, 201908급성상기도감염 진료비 변이 및 관련 특성 분석: 의원급 요양기관 외래를 중심으로, 보건의료기술평가(THE JOURNAL OF HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT), 201906Major environmental characteristics of swine husbandry that affect exposure to dust and airborne endotoxins, JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH-PART A-CURRENT ISSUES, 201902Association between endotoxin levels in dust from indoor swine housing environments and the immune responses of pigs, JOURNAL OF VETERINARY SCIENCE, 201805Altered immune responses in broiler chicken husbandry workers and their association with endotoxin exposure, INDUSTRIAL HEALTH, 201801Factors contributing to the self-Reported Prevalence of multiple chemical Sensitivity in public facility Workers and the general population of Korea, JOURNAL OF UNIVERSITY OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH(JOURNAL OF UOEH), 201712만성발암성 흡입독성시험 우선순위 물질 선정 연구, 한국환경보건학회지(JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES), 201702Epizootiological characteristics of viable bacteria and fungi in indoor air from porcine, chicken, or bovine husbandry confinement buildings, JOURNAL OF VETERINARY SCIENCE, 201612Association of bovine cellular immunity with endotoxin level in dust from Korean beef cattle housing environments, QUANTITATIVE BIO-SCIENCE, 201612Association between depression and metabolic syndrome in korean women: Results from the korean national health and nutrition examination survey (2007-2013), JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS, 201611Aberrant IgG isotype generation in mice with abnormal behaviors, JOURNAL OF IMMUNOTOXICOLOGY, 201602Relationship between chicken cellular immunity and endotoxin levels in dust from chicken housing environments, JOURNAL OF VETERINARY SCIENCE, 201506Altered Expression Levels of Neurodevelopmental Proteins in Fetal Brains of BTBR T+tf/J Mice with Autism-Like Behavioral Characteristics, JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH-PART A-CURRENT ISSUES, 201504Association of oral health behaviors and status with depression: results from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2010, JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH DENTISTRY, 201403장시간 근로와 산업재해와의 관계, 한국직업건강간호학회지(舊 한국산업간호학회지), 201402돈사 분진 함유 내독소 수준과 축사 작업자들의 세포면역력간 상관성 분석, 한국산업위생학회지, 201312자폐증 유사증상 발현 마우스의 점액 면역에 대한 연구, 한국환경보건학회지(JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES), 201212경기 일부지역 양돈 축산인들의 호흡기 알레르기 관련 면역학적 지표 분석, 한국산업위생학회지, 201212Korea National Survey for Environmental Pollutants in the human body 2008: 1-hydroxypyrene, 2-naphthol, and cotinine in urine of the Korean population, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 201210각질세포주로부터 Interleukin-6 생성 수준에 따른 피부감작물질 검색 유용성 분석, 동물실험대체법학회지, 201209소규모 사업장의 보건관리업무수행 관련 요인, 한국직업건강간호학회지(舊 한국산업간호학회지), 201208한국어판 QEESI (The Quick Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory) 개발 및 타당도, 신뢰도 평가, 대한직업환경의학회지(구.대한산업의학회지), 201203학술발표국제학술대회(포스터),Desogn of semi pre-validation process on the IMMUTOX-T in vitro alternative assay methods developed for evaluation of chemical-mediated immubotoxicities, Asian Congress for Alternatives to Animal Experiments, 202212국내학술대회(포스터),전자제품 재활용 등 신공정 유해물질 현황 및 대책 연구구, 한국산업보건학회, 202010국제학술대회(포스터),Difference in cellular immune functions between broiler chcken husbandry and grape orchard workers, 59th Annual Meeting & ToxExpo, 202003국내학술대회(포스터),환자들의 국공립의료기관 의료이용 경향과 관련 특성 분석, 2019 한국보건행정학회 후기 학술대회, 201911국내학술대회(포스터),Analysis on Medical Expenses Variation and Reated Charateristics in Aute Upper Respiratory Infections: Focusing on Outpatient of Clinic, 2019 한국보건행정학회 후기 학술대회, 201911국제학술대회(구연),Cooperation among various science fields to pursue one health for animal husbandry industry, 2015 KSVS International Symposium on Link of Veterinary Medicine with Advanced Life Sciences, 201510국제학술대회(포스터),Interrelation of oral and mercury exposure on neuroimmunological characteristics of a fetal BTBR T+tf/J mice, Korean Association for Laboratory Animal Science 2015 International Symposium, 201508국제학술대회(구연),Autoimmune neuroinflammation signature demonstrated in a mouse model for qutism spectrum disorders, The 7th International Congress of Asian Society of Toxicology, 201506국내학술대회(구연),Association of animal husbandry workers' and livestock's welfare with animal husbandry environments, 2015년도 춘계학술심포지움, 201504국제학술대회(포스터),Association of endotoxin level in dusts from indoor animal husbandry buildings with chicken or pig immunity, 54th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, 201503국제학술대회(포스터),Effects fo oral lead exposure on neuroimmunological characteristics of BTBR T+tf/J mice resembling human autism, 2015 Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, 201503국내학술대회(포스터),납과 수은 노출이 BTBR T+tf/J마우스 신생자의 자폐성향 관련 뇌신경면역학적 지표치 수준에 미치는 영향 연구, 2015년 한국실험동물학회동계심포지움, 201502국제학술대회(포스터),Association of chicken's immunological status with endotoxin levels in husbandry indoor environment, The 10th Asia Pacific Poultry Conference, 201410국제학술대회(포스터),Relationship of endotoxin level in swine farm dust with both cellular immunity of husbandry workers and of pigs in Korea, Nordic Meeting on Agricultural Occupational Health and Safety, 201408국제학술대회(포스터),Expression status of neuro-developmental protein in fetal brain of BTBR T+tf/J mouse resembling human autism, 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Public Health, 201404국제학술대회(포스터),Endotoxin-mediated immune alterations in pig husbandry workers in Korea, 5the Asia-Pacific Conference on Public Health, 201404국제학술대회(포스터),Characteristics of IgG deposit and neurodevelopmental protein expression in brain of BRBR T +tf/J mouse fetus, 53rd Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, 201403국제학술대회(포스터),Relationship between allergic characteristics of swine husbandry workers and endotoxin level in swine farm duat, 53rd Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, 201403국내학술대회(포스터),경기 일부지역 양돈 축산인들의 호흡기 알레르기 관련 면역학적 지표 분석, 한국산업위생학회 2012년도 추계학술대회, 201210국제학술대회(구연),Indoor airborne concnetration of culturable bacteria and its species in various public facilities, IFEH 12th Wprld Cpngress on Environmental Health, 201205