논문Mediation of daily ambient ozone concentration on association between daily mean temperature and mortality in 7 metropolitan cities of Korea, ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL, 202308Association of summer temperatures and acute kidney injury in South Korea: a case-crossover study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, 202306Associations of breastfeeding duration and the total number of children breastfed with self-reported osteoarthritis in Korea women 50 years and older: a cross-sectional study, EPIDEMIOLOGY AND HEALTH (舊.한국역학회), 202304Associations of cold exposure with hospital admission and mortality due to acute kidney injury: A nationwide time-series study in Korea, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 202303Associations of daily diet-related greenhouse gas emissions with the incidence and mortality of chronic diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiological studies, EPIDEMIOLOGY AND HEALTH (舊.한국역학회), 202301Prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection among participants of the national LTBI screening program in South Korea - A problem of low coverage rate with current LTBI strategy, FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH, 202301Cancer risk in the residents of a town near three industrial waste incinerators in Korea: a retrospective cohort study, INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, 202211The cascade of care for latent tuberculosis infection in congregate settings: A national cohort analysis, Korea, 2017-2018, FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE, 202209Associations between cold spells and hospital admission and mortality due to diabetes: A nationwide multi-region time-series study in Korea, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 202209Effect modification of consecutive high concentration days on the association between fine particulate matter and mortality: a multi-city study in Korea, EPIDEMIOLOGY AND HEALTH(구.한국역학회), 202206Latent Tuberculosis Cascade of Care Among Healthcare Workers: A Nationwide Cohort Analysis in Korea Between 2017 and 2018, JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 202205Association between long-term exposure to particulate matter and childhood cancer: A retrospective cohort study, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 202204Age-specific effects of ozone on pneumonia in Korean children and adolescents: a nationwide time-series study, EPIDEMIOLOGY AND HEALTH(구.한국역학회), 202203Association of indoor and outdoor short-term PM2.5 exposure with blood pressure among school children, INDOOR AIR, 202203Mobile Phone Use and Time Trend of Brain Cancer Incidence Rate in Korea, BIOELECTROMAGNETICS, 202112Latent Tuberculosis Infection Screening and Treatment in Congregate Settings (TB FREE COREA): Demographic Profiles of Interferon- Gamma Release Assay Cohort, JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 202109Cancer cluster among small village residents near the fertilizer plant in Korea, PLOS ONE, 202102Epidemiological Characteristics of COVID-19 Outbreak at Fitness Centers in Cheonan, Korea, JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 202008Indoor and outdoor PM 2.5 exposure, and anxiety among schoolchildren in Korea: a panel study, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, 202008Environmental pollutants affecting children's growth and development: Collective results from the MOCEH study, a multi-centric prospective birth cohort in Korea, ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL, 202004Causal association between ambient ozone concentration and mortality in Seoul, Korea, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 202003Association between air conditioning use and self-reported symptoms during the 2018 heat wave in Korea, JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH(구.예방의학회지), 202001Current State of Research on the Risk of Morbidity and Mortality Associated with Air Pollution in Korea, YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL, 201903Health indicators related to disease, death, and reproduction, JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH(구.예방의학회지), 201901미세먼지의 건강영향(Health effects of particulate matter), JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION(대한의사협회지), 201812The serum concentrations of perfluoroalkyl compounds were inversely associated with growth parameters in 2-year old children, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 201807Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure at Home and Attributable Problem Behaviors in Korean Children and Adolescents for 2012-2014 in a Nationally Representative Survey, JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 201807Evaluation of the Exposure to Environmental Pollutants Emanating from National Industrial Complexes, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND TOXICOLOGY, 201803저서의사들이 들려주는 미세먼지와 건강 이야기, 이화여자대학교출판문화원, 201905학술발표국내학술대회(구연), 기후변화 직간접 건강영향 추산산, 2023 제75차 대한예방의학회 가을학술대, 2023.11.24국제학술대회(포스터), Daily deviation from historical temperature and mortality in seven cities in South Korea, International Society for Environmental Epidemiology 2023, 2023.09.20국내학술대회(구연),기온과 신장기능의 연관성에 관한연구: 일개 병원 내원환자의 반복측정 자료 이용용, 제66차 대한직업환경의학회 가을학술대회, 202112국제학술대회(구연),Impact of Current Latent Tuberculosis Infection Strategy - Screening Individuals with Medical Risk Factors for Tuberculosis, the 132nd Congress of the Korean Academy of Tuberculosis and Respiratory, 202111국제학술대회(구연),Online Evidence-Based Medicine Short Course for Whole-Task Learning Exercises of Systematic Review in COVID-19 Crisis, 유럽의학교육학회 AMEE 2021, 202108국내학술대회(구연),코로나바이러스감염증-19 범유행으로 새롭게 개편된 온라인 전체 과제 수행식 근거중심의학 단기 과정에 대한 학생들의 평가, 제36차 의학교육학술대회, 202012국제학술대회(구연),Predictive Value of Interferon Gamma Release Assay for Incident Active Tuberculosis: 2-year Follow-up Results of TBfreeCorea, Korean Academy of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases (KATRD) International conference 2020, 202011국제학술대회(구연),Age Stratified Numbers Needed to Treat of Latent Tuberculosis Infection Among the Population Without Recent Tuberculosis Exposure or Medical Risk Factors: 2-year Follow-up Results of TBfreeCorea, Korean Academy of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases (KATRD) international conference 2020, 202011국제학술대회(포스터),Association between PM2.5 exposure and peak expiratory flow rate in schoolchildren: a panel study, International Society for Environmental Epidemiology 2019, 201908