논문Pharmacokinetic properties of a new sustained-release pregabalin tablet in subjects with reduced renal function, TRANSLATIONAL AND CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY (舊.임상약리학회지), 202312Pharmacokinetic Interactions Between Bazedoxifene and Cholecalciferol: An Open-Label, Randomized, Crossover Study in Healthy Male Volunteers, DRUG DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND THERAPY, 202304Establishing Rationale for the Clinical Development of Cell Therapy Products: Consensus between Risk and Benefit, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEM CELLS, 202302Comparison of Pharmacodynamics between Tegoprazan and Dexlansoprazole Regarding Nocturnal Acid Breakthrough: A Randomized Crossover Study, GUT AND LIVER, 202301DallphinAtoM: Physiologically based pharmacokinetics software predicting human PK parameters based on physicochemical properties, in vitro and animal in vivo data, COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE, 202204Effect of Food on the Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of a Single Oral Dose of Tegoprazan, CLINICAL THERAPEUTICS, 202108First-in-Human, Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial of an Oral Dose of GnRH Antagonist TU2670 in Healthy Women, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM, 202103저서신약개발을 위한 실전 약동학 I (기본원리와 자료해석), 부크크, 202109학술발표국제학술대회(구연), Characterizing Exposure-Response Relationship for Various Therapeutics using PK-PD Modeling and Simulation, The 44th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2023.12.14국내학술대회(포스터), Human Pharmacotranscriptomics Reveals Gene Expression and Immune Response Pathways Underlying Pruritus as an Adverse Reaction to Nuclear Receptor Agonist, 2023년 대한임상약리학회 추계학술대회, 2023.11.17국내학술대회(포스터), Zolpidemsim: A Web-Application for Simulating Plasma Zolpidem Concentration, 2023년 대한임상약리학회 추계학술대회, 2023.11.17국제학술대회(포스터), PIPETapps: a Compilation of R Shiny Apps for Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics using Cloud Computing Tools, The Fourteenth American Conference on Pharmacometrics (ACoP14), 2023.11.08국제학술대회(포스터), PIPETAPP, ACOP, 2023.11.05국제학술대회(포스터), tu2670, acop 1, 2023.11.05국제학술대회(포스터), Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of TU2670 (nonpeptide GnRH antagonist) in healthy female subjects, The Fourteenth American Conference on Pharmacometrics (ACoP14), 2023.11.04국내학술대회(구연), Principles and Applications of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics in the Drug Development, Principles and Applications of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics in the Drug Development, 2023.11.02국내학술대회(구연), 분산형 임상시험의 개념과 국내 활용가능 기술, 2023년 대한약물역학위해관리학회 추계학술대회, 2023.10.20국제학술대회(구연), Principles and applications of clinical pharmacology and pharmacometrics in the drug development, International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2023, 2023.08.21국내학술대회(포스터),Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of TU2670 (nonpeptide GnRH antagonist) in healthy female subjects, 2023 대한임상약리학회 추계학술대회, 202212국내학술대회(구연),RNA sequencing for pharmacotranscriptomics and its application to Clinical Pharmacology, 2022 대한임상약리학회 추계학술대회, 202212국내학술대회(구연),Quantitative estimations of first-in-human doses of FXR agonist for the treatment of NASH, PAGK 2021 Annual Meeting, 202111국내학술대회(구연),New Approaches for an Integrated Nonclinical-Clinical QT/Proarrhythmic Risk Assessment, 한국비임상시험연구회 제39차 워크샵, 202105