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HOMEHOME > Research > BK21 Project
BK21 Project
Educational Philosophy
BK21 is a national program of support for students in graduate schools or novice researchers (postdoctoral fellows or contract professors). It was conceived as a means of promoting world-class graduate school and producing talented researchers.
Vision and Goals of the BK21 Biomedical Science Research Center of the Catholic University
Vision and Goals of the BK21 Biomedical Science Research Center of the Catholic University
  • We aim to produce metropolitan professionals who will lead the field of biomedical science research in the 21st century.
  • We aim to cultivate health professionals who will lead the knowledge-based society in the 21st century.
  • To produce international-level researchers with expert knowledge of biomedical science.
  • To maximize the capacity of biomedical science research in terms of both quality and quantity.
  • To apply and commercialize the results of biomedical research.
  • To improve the graduate schools system of nurturing international-level professionals.
  • To improve the teaching methods and system of producing world-class health professionals.
Major plan of the program
01. Education (Production Of Professionals)
1. Management of specialized degree programs.
2. Introduction and management of MD/PhD programs
3. Propriety of degree program management
4. Actual employment rate and support plan
5. Achievement and planning on the publication of papers and presentations at conferences
6. Achievement and planning on the globalization of education in the graduate school
02. Research And Development (R&D)
1. Winning rate of government-funded R&D grants and connectivity
2. Academic achievements and planning of the participant faculties
03. Collaboration Between Industry And University
1. Winning rate of industry-funded research grants and plans
2. Collaboration rate between graduate school and the hospitals, and planning.
04. Specialization Of The Graduate School
1. Investment in the university's human
2. Investment in the university's material resources and plans
3. Professionalized management of the Specialist Graduate School
4. Accomplishment and planning of systemic improvement
5. Management of programs and so forth