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Research institute
Research Institute of Molecular Genetics
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The institute aims to investigate and characterize the genetic alterations and abnormal expressions found in genetic disorders, to provide various basic references and essays which might be a key to securing a gene therapy for those disorders, and ultimately to provide a gene therapy for such genetic disorders.
To fulfill these goals, we are conducting cutting-edge research on genetic disorders via the colligation of molecular genetics essay from basic medical research, and clinical knowledge and therapeutic application from clinical research, through three research departments including the Department of Cell Death Genetics, whose staff consists of scientists in the basic and clinical research fields.
Professor, Kim Dong-wook, M.D., Hematology
Tel (02) 2258-2057
E-mail kimtg@catholic.ac.kr
Address Rm. 6012, Catholic Research Institute of Medical Science
505 Banpo-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea 137-701
Tel/Fax Tel: (02) 590-2385 / Fax : (02) 590-2522