The current organization originated with the Hematopoetic Transplant Center of the College of Medicine of the Catholic University, the venue for the countrys first allogenic bone-marrow transplant. In January 1994, it gave birth to a non-profit organization dedicated to the recruitment of hematopoietic stem cell donors, as well as advertisement, registration, and transplant coordination for hematopoietic stem cell transplants between non-related patients, and finally became the current research center affiliated to the College of Medicine in 2004.
The Catholic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Bank consists of the Dept. of Transplant Coordination, which matches donors to patients, a Donor Bank responsible for recruiting hematopoietic stem cell donors and managing their data, a Cord Blood Cell Bank responsible for treating and storing donated or discarded cord blood for those alienated from family cord blood cell, an HLA Lab for testing the genotype of donors and patients, an Immunotherapy Lab for conducting research into anti-cancer therapy with an internal immune system, and a management department responsible for the general affairs of the bank.
Professor Kim Tai-gyu, M.D., Microbiology
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(02) 2258-2057
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Rm. 303, B001, Catholic Hematopietic Stem Cell Bank
505 Banpo-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea 137-701
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(02) 2258-2550
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