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Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine was established in 1958 as a Preventive Medicine (former Department Hygiene to Preventive Medicine in 1960), the research and treatment of occupational diseases has grown to its main axis, and positioned as a branch of the Department of Preventive Medicine of the work environment and separated as Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in March 2013.

It is a WHO Collaborating Center
Occupational and Environmental Medicine is divided into Occupational medicine and Environmental Medicine. Occupational medicine promotes/maintains worker’s health and preventing disease and environmental medicine is a study that preventing, diagnosis and treatment of health obstacles that may be caused by a harmful factors contained in our surroundings.

The main research fields are occupational and environmental epidemiology research, occupational health and environmental health policy research, small business workers occupational health research, occupational and environmental respiratory disease research, labor physiology and occupational stress research, health research on health care workers, and health promotion research, chemicals management and risk assessment studies.